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Today I Wept

I was working in my home office (yes on a Sunday, but I digress), and through my window, I saw a police car pull over another car. I saw the police officer get out, walk around the car with his hand on the gun, and make the black 18 year old male get out of his car. After talking for a bit, he motioned for a second police car and officer that was nearby to come over. That’s when I rushed outside to make sure the police knew of my presence as well as the kid know I can call someone for him and I was here for him.

The officers of course weren’t happy, and they told me to go inside, which I refused and let them know I would stay on my porch. They let me know that everything was okay and I should go inside. Without thinking, the first thing that came off of my lips was, “I’m sure that was said by a lot of officers about other black men”. At that moment, I realized I really AM scared for all of my brothers. I really DO take responsibility for not allowing others to think we are not a connected community.

What are the odds of this happening directly in front of my house in my 11,000 person town with 1% of residents being black? I went against my wife urging me to stay in side, one sick 4 year old and the other 4 year old having persistent meltdowns to STAND UP. Today I stood up for our brothers who were murdered by police. Today I stood up for moms of black sons that had to bury them due to police brutality. Today I stood up for my future. Today I stood up for my black sons, Duke and London.

Now that I have had time to process it, have a healthy empath-driven cry, and calm down from the adrenaline, I know that we have to stand united and with clean hands. That black teenager stood out in my town the same way I do, and I was trusted today when he fell right in front of my house (literally sitting on my driveway) of all of the homes he could have ended up in front of. I answered that calling. I answered the calling of MLK, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X and so many who bled and fought for me. I can’t just be a taker and stand by.

I am proud that we didn’t lose another black man today, but I’m more committed than ever to lock hands with my brothers and sisters so they know we are in this together. My fellow brother was stopped for his tail light being out, but of course the police claim to have a reason to sit him down and search him, search his car and about 30 minutes of questioning. He left with 3 warnings for issues they found in the car after unlawfully searching it and a citation for the tail light.

We stand united. We stand as one. Fight for something or die for nothing.

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